CERIC presents Cannexus – Canada’s bilingual Career Development Conference
A hybrid Cannexus for 2025!
Cannexus25 will be a hybrid conference with a live in-person portion to be held at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada and a virtual portion. It will take place January 27-29, 2025. Last year, our in-person conference drew more than 1,000 delegates and our virtual conferences nearly 1,000, making Cannexus the largest bilingual conference of its kind in the country.
This dual format for the 19th annual conference offers the best of both worlds. No matter how you participate, Cannexus will provide an accessible, content-rich and value-packed opportunity for Canada’s career development communities to convene, share and learn.
Career development for public good
Cannexus brings together those across the career and workforce development ecosystem to explore research, policy and practice. The conference will examine the impact of career development on education, the economy and social justice. You will share innovative approaches and exchange information with your peers.
The experience
Whether you are part of the in-person or virtual conference, you will be able to access:
In-person or virtual: Experience Cannexus your way!
Many of you are excited to be connecting again face-to-face with colleagues. At the same time, we’ve all come to appreciate the convenience of virtual events. We are planning a hybrid program that makes the most of each format. There will also be intersection points throughout, with virtual and in-person attendees coming together.
Accessible pricing
In order to provide the broadest and most inclusive access, Cannexus offers accessible pricing, starting with its Super Saver rate plus deep discounts for groups, students and members of supporting organizations.
Conference delegates can listen to world-class keynotes and choose from a wide variety of concurrent sessions. Sessions will provide practical skills-building content to help you adapt to a rapidly shifting environment. You’ll also be part of critical big-picture conversations around redefining career development. Topics include:
Cannexus provides delegates the opportunity to participate in both of Canada’s official languages with dedicated French-language programming.
By participating in Cannexus, conference delegates will benefit by enhancing professional development, organizational productivity and client service effectiveness.
After initially being planned as a hybrid, Cannexus22 will now be a fully virtual conference. The conference takes place January 24 - 26, 2022. In 2021, our virtual conference drew more than 2,300 participants.
This 16th annual Cannexus conference will once again provide an accessible, content-rich and value-packed opportunity for Canada's career development communities to convene, share and learn.
Career development for public good
Cannexus brings together those across the career and workforce development ecosystem to explore research, policy and practice. The conference will continue to reimagine the impact of career development on education, the economy and social justice as pandemic recovery unfolds.
The experience
You will be able to access:
Introducing a BONUS virtual conference day, Cannexus Reflections on Feb. 4. Scheduled to take place just over a week after the conference ends, all attendees are invited to attend this day (included in your registration). The bonus day is intended to help you to reflect on what you heard and to facilitate you taking action.
Special pricing
In light of ongoing financial constraints, this instalment of Cannexus will continue to offer special Gratitude rates plus deep discounts for groups, students and members of supporting organizations.